Archie and the Water Method- 17 weeks
I want to introduce you to the beautiful Archie, he was born sleeping at 17 weeks.
* Please know there is photos of beautiful Archie on this page.
On the 30th of Jan 2022 Archie was born, his mum Caitlin had done some research on the water method that can be used after a baby has passed away wanted to give it a go and now wants to help other parents know about this method.
What is the water method?
The water method is when baby is completely submerged in cold water. Caitlin also added some Ice and waited for it to melt before adding more and this was the outcome. (See Archies photos)
The water method has been around for a little while but is not well known and most hospitals have never heard of it. The water method helps preserve baby for a lot longer and help bring out some beautiful features. They look a lot like they would have in the womb which is very special to see.
What you need:
* A container (preferably clear and must be large enough for baby to be fully submerged)
* Cold tap water or Saline solution
* Ice ( this is optional but needed if you don't have somewhere cold like a fridge)
This method is great for hospitals as no extra equipment is needed.
Caitlins Story :

It was amazing for us as parents to be able to see Archie this way and get a glimpse as to what and who our little man would have been. Me and his dad got so much peace and closure using this method and it made the whole process so much easier. It helped us grieve in a way I didn’t think was possible and we feel very at ease. I’m so grateful and so thankful that we got to do this.
Here is a photo of my Archie just before putting him in and 12 hours after.

As a heartfelt photographer in Australia I really believe this method needs to be shared widely, this will help many parents who experience loss. Thank you Caitlin and Archie for helping so many families have this option.
Photos are not to be used without written approval from Caitlin.